Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Trip to Environmental Health Center - Dallas

Hi! I'm writing from a clinic in Dallas, Texas, where I have come to get help.

The clinic's name is "Environmental Health Center - Dallas".

Run by Dr. William Rea, a former cardiac and thoracic surgeon who has a passion for the environment, this clinic offers hope for those whose health has been damaged by our environment of chemicals. Being here is a new world for me.

I'm staying in a hotel room that is made for the chemically sensitive -- all metal, glass, and ceramic and porcelain tile.

No carpet. Lots of air filters and air cleaners everywhere.

No fragrance allowed in the room or in the laundry room.

Enough for now -- I'll write again soon. I want to keep a diary of my time here, and write on other environmental/health issues. This clinic is so expensive, I want to use my privilege to be here, to extend knowledge to others.


  1. Thank you for keeping this diary to share with others!
    I'm glad you are getting help - especially before you get worse. The sooner you can catch it, the better.
    It's great to hear you are switching to safer detergent and deodorant. From what I've read/heard in the past, the work done while you are at the clinic will be able to help best if you use totally safe products when you return to 'normal life'. I know that avoidance has been one of the most important parts of my healing journey. (including removing all carpet and laminate floor from my house).
    I couldn't afford to go to the clinic but have been healing on my own... slowly.
    I'm still at a very sensitive point (couldn't likely be in the same room as anyone who had used Tide Free detergent for example - or any essential oils in their products) but am vastly improved compared to how I was just a few years ago.

    Best of luck on your healing journey,

  2. Wow, finally a comment! I appreciate knowing someone is reading this.

    I had no idea that Tide Free is NOT "free" -- found that out from people here, and from a friend of mine who is not chemically sensitive (though we all are, on some level) but who has terrible allergic reactions to Tide Free.

    She informed me that Tide uses chemicals that mask fragrance, in that product, since they can't use fragrance chemicals, and they needed a way to mask the normal fragrance.

    I'm sure the masking chemicals are what my friend is reacting to.

    There is so much to learn here. The expense is prohibitive. I wonder if he could start holding free public seminars etc., and give scholarships to people affected by Katrina, etc.

    In other words, more social outreach to people no matter their ability to pay, because this disease affects peoples' finances in so many ways... so that the people who need to come to a clinic like this, often can't afford to come.

    Keep giving me feedback if you are able,

  3. Hi Karen,

    You are right - the people who need it most often can't access resources to help them. It's a touch situation.


    With blogs, it can sometimes take a long time for readers to find them so don't despair if you don't get a lot of comments at first :-)

    I added your blog to my list of Blogs I Have Enjoyed on my blog (

    If you want more people with MCS to find you, you could add MCS to your list of interests on your blogger profile or add the word MCS somewhere in the description of your blog (below the title environmentaljustice). Most of my readers found the blog through Google searches so doing those things as well as adding 'tags' to every blog post that include the word MCS will increase the chances of someone finding you through a Google search.
    'SEO' or search engine optimization is a gigantic topic and I don't know much about it but those are the things I've learned so far :)

    I appreciate you documenting your journey at the clinic.


  4. Hi Karen. I am glad you are were at the clinic. I have severe toxicity from Levaquin, Avelox, and paxil. I haven't created a story yet, but I wanted to know how you are doing. Thank you for posting your experience.
